Yet another dev blog?
I finally set up a blog for myself. But why even write another development blog?
Hello world. My name is René Bergelt and I am a research associate in the field of computer science at the Technical University Chemnitz, Germany. During my research work I develop software solutions and simulations for wireless sensor networks and applications to access data of such networks. In my spare time I am author and maintainer of some open source github projects. In all of these projects, many programming concepts and real worl problems have been solved, but were never properly documented. Also most of my github projects lack a real documentation or explanation what’s going on. As I regularly see questions on StackOverflow for instance, regarding problems I solved in some of my projects (some in clever ways, if you ask me ;) ) I always thought it would be nice if I could write about problems and solutions I encountered during my work in a publicly available space. But until now I never came about to setup such a space. But here it is: my devblog.
With this blog I hope I can combine a bit of all aspects: documenting some of my open source projects, explaining them, raising interesting questions about real world problems I encounter and hopefully approaches to solve them and last bust not least creating a place for myself to see what I have done so far. Most of the (development-related) posts will deal with C# or Java, maybe I will mix in some C/C++ topics as well. But we will see…